Let’s review the eligibility requirements for Social Relief of Distress (SRD). If you’re facing challenging times and seeking assistance, understanding these criteria will help you determine if you qualify for SRD support. If you want to learn more about SRD SASSA click the button below:

Age Criteria

To qualify for SRD assistance, individuals must fall within the age bracket of 18 to 59 years old, although some sources extend the upper limit to 60 years old.


Eligibility for SRD support extends to South African citizens, permanent residents, or holders of special permits. Additionally, asylum seekers and refugees may also meet the criteria for assistance.

Employment Status

Applicants must be currently unemployed to be considered for SRD assistance.

Financial Support Status

To qualify for SRD, individuals must not be receiving any other form of government financial aid, such as benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) or grants from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS).

Income Means Test

A crucial aspect of SRD eligibility involves meeting the means test. This test evaluates financial need, with one of the criteria being that the applicant’s bank account balance cannot exceed a specified amount, currently around R350.

If you’re eligible for SRD grants, click the button below to apply:


Understanding the eligibility requirements for Social Relief of Distress is essential for those seeking assistance during challenging times. By ensuring you meet these criteria, you can navigate the application process more effectively and access the support you need. If you meet the outlined conditions, consider applying for SRD assistance to alleviate financial burdens and gain essential support.